How to choose a wooden barrel or barrel?

How to choose a wooden barrel or barrel?(βαρελια)

The wooden barrel is a holder imagined . Its fundamental capacity is the preservation of consumable fluids like wine , rum or basically drinking water as a water tank . However, it is likewise conceivable to store several types of merchandise there, unpalatable fluids, for example, powers as gas tanks or solids.

What is a wooden barrel?

The wooden barrel or wooden barrel is a huge tube shaped holder with a lump in the center, similar to its partner the plastic barrel . It has a huge opening and a level base. Made with curved fights, tight and kept up with by metal circles, it is utilized to protect, store and transport different types of purchaser or non-shopper items, which can be fluid, semi-fluid or strong.

The wooden barrel exists in several variants of different limits. In France, there are however many limits as there are locales. The standard may then change from one spot to another. The most utilized barrels are those with a limit of 228 liters, Burgundy barrels, and those with a limit of 225 liters, Bordeaux.

The cost of a wooden barrel with a limit of 225 liters can go from 100 euros (for old models) to several thousand euros (for new models made by explicit solicitations). The little 5 liter models cost somewhere in the range of 30 and 90 euros.

How to make a wooden barrel?(παλετεσ)

Hot bowing of wood is an assembling process once took on by the Celts, Phoenicians and Egyptians. In olden times, this strategy was exceptionally valued for the plan of boats as well as wooden barrels for the sea wine exchange among Armenia and Mesopotamia. At present, fabricating is finished following a clear cut process:

Raw material work

Subsequent to having picked the raw material, all the more exactly the embodiment of wood , it should be worked. To do this, tree trunks without absconds with an enormous perimeter are chosen. They are by and large somewhere in the range of 180 and 250 years of age. They are sawn into logs or balls, somewhat longer than the future barrel, then, at that point, split into quarters utilizing a fight shaper.

Molding of fights

Each quarter of wood is cut into fights . Bark, sapwood and heartwood are completely eliminated. This work is very fragile, on the grounds that you need to track down the best course of action to have the enormous number of fights from a quarter, while attempting to have the greatest conceivable width.


The drying of the fights is done outside over a time of one and a half to 4 years. This progression permits the refining of the wood by killing the ellagitannins . The fights should exploit the proper climatic variables to permit great oxidation of the phenolic and organic mixtures.


In the wake of drying, the fights are parted toward the fiber utilizing an accuracy machine. It is shortening . The sheets acquired are called fights or fights. (ανακαινιση σπιτιου)


Here the fights are mounted and consolidated in a shortened cone . The collected sheets are kept intact by impermanent circles. To guarantee a decent seal, they are fixed and changed utilizing a chaser and a mallet.


The entire is warmed. This progression expects to chip away at the smells, not the shape. For this reason an oak brazier is utilized.

Wrapping up

The two closures of the barrel are shut with base circles. Then, the impermanent metal circles are eliminated to account for the new tying. This is trailed by sanding and actually looking at the snugness. The last option comprises of placing water under tension in the barrel to check for spills. Assuming there are no releases, the barrel is prepared available to be purchased.

The last weight of the barrel is around 45 kg for a size of 90 cm long and a measurement of 60 to 70 cm.

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