Beautiful earrings for each woman!

Beautiful earrings for every woman!(Δαχτυλίδια)

single and enjoying life, jewelry is essential to give you that extra feeling, making you feel even more feminine. And what makes your appearance even more fun and beautiful than the green hip Ibiza earrings from Beauty.

Not only is the play of colors in the earrings beautiful, because seven colors are used that all provide a special look, but the beads also have a shimmer that makes you happy. In addition, the glitter provides a chic look and you have the WOW factor in your pocket anyway.

The earrings are round in shape and do not feel heavy. So when you wear them, it feels like you're not wearing earrings. This is extra important to me, because earrings that you feel are stuck or hurt, only cause annoyance and grrr moments. Despite the fact that different beads are used, they are therefore intuitively light earrings.

The size of the earrings is not too big compared to other large earrings. And that's only nice, because that makes the earrings still subtle. So if you are ready to go out with your girlfriends, have a date with your boyfriend or go on a first date, where you want to wear beautiful earrings, then this is a real elegant eye-catcher.

The combination of colors in the earrings varies from dark green to different shades of turquoise and light green. I deliberately chose these earrings and this specific color. Green always reminds me of life and zest for life. For me, these earrings are a personification of my way of thinking and living.

They fit my personality perfectly and the association I get with them is that they should be worn by powerful women. At some point in your life you will reach a point where you feel empowered and strong as a woman. These earrings certainly contribute to more self-confidence and you feel like a woman when you wear them. If green isn't your color, no problem, the earrings are also available in other colors .

Ibiza style earrings (Χειροποίητα Σκουλαρίκια)

But why are the Ibiza style earrings a must have in your jewelry box for you? Besides spoiling yourself with beautiful earrings, you also help the local population of Ibiza. The earrings are handmade and sold on the Las Dalias market. So with this gift for yourself or friends you also contribute to a better world and equal opportunities for everyone.

I actually didn't know much about the Ibiza style and jewelry that went with it. After an hour of googling I knew more and came up with a bohemian, hip-like style. The more I read about it, the more I wanted to know about it. Most of the jewelry on offer is super expensive, but Beauty by Liesz sells these nice earrings for only 19.99. So even if you don't have too much money and still want to look beautiful, this is a good match.

Ibiza look

Varying clothing in combination with jewelry a la Ibiza style is a challenge but also a lot of fun to do. I couldn't wait to try out my new earrings with different clothes. It turned out that the earrings matched all outfits. Whether you go for that black dress, casual shorts with a shirt or a chic beach dress. Of course it is a matter of looking at the color you have chosen, but that is not very difficult. Add some nice make-up and you are ready to show yourself to the world around you.

The Ibiza earrings round give you that little bit extra that makes you feel even more feminine than ever. When I received my letterbox package, a fit of euphoria went through me. I was so happy. The earrings come in a gold-coloured bag, which can be closed so that you never have to lose your earrings when you are not wearing them and can put them in a safe place in the house.

Oooh how many times did I find out that I only had 1 earring and had lost the other. Yes, with this gold bag from Beauty by Liesz you will not lose these fantastic earrings. How fun is that?!

Anyway. I am completely happy with my new earrings and I definitely recommend that you add these beautiful jewelry to your collection. I think every woman should try the Ibiza look once in her life. You are guaranteed to fall in love with this style. And with this lovely warm summer in the Netherlands in combination with the earrings, it's just like being in Ibiza. The perfect combination right?!

Appearance is something that most women are concerned with. Your clothes and jewelry show who you are. These earrings from Beauty make you feel like a queen who radiates happiness. That's what every woman wants, right?! I certainly do and I can't wait to wear the earrings on special occasions or just when I want to feel beautiful.

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